
车载时延容忍网络路由协议研究 被引量:8

Research on routing protocol of vehicular delay-tolerant networks
摘要 基于移动模型相似度评价机制(MMSE,movement model similarity evaluation scheme),提出一种面向移动范围转发动态多副本车载时延容忍网络路由协议(MROFDM,movement range oriented forwarding and dynamicmulti-copies routing protocol)。该协议利用移动模型间的相似度和车辆的本地实时信息,将数据向目的节点的移动范围转发,同时采用副本均衡策略,动态调整不同类型数据分组的副本数目。通过仿真实验对比现有多副本协议,验证了MROFDM在性能上的优越性以及在不同比例移动模型下的适应性。 Based on the movement model similarity evaluation scheme (MMSE), a movement range oriented forwarding and dynamic multi-copies routing protocol (MROFDM) was proposed in vehicular delay-tolerant networks. With the similarity among the movement models and the local real-time information of vehicles, this protocol sended packets to the movement scope of destination node. At the same time, the copy equilibrium strategy was used to dynamically adjust copy number of different types of packets. MROFDM with some existing multi-copies routing protocols were compare in simulation. The simulation results verify the performance advantage of MROFDM, and show the adaptability of MROFDM with different proportions of movement models.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期76-84,共9页 Journal on Communications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60903027 61272419) 江苏省基础研究计划基金资助项目(BK2011023) 江苏省自然科学基金资助项目(BK2011370) 中国博士后基金资助项目(2012M521089) 江苏省博士后科研资助计划基金资助项目(1201044C) 连云港科技基金资助项目(CG1124)~~
关键词 时延容忍网络 车载网络 移动模型 多副本路由 delay-tolerant networks vehicular networks movement model multi-copies routing
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