
本伍尼斯特的语言哲学观 被引量:4

On Benveniste's Philosophy of Linguistics
摘要 本伍尼斯特是一个结构主义者,他的语言学观念来自索绪尔,他的两卷本《普通语言学问题》极大提高了他的学术地位并在更广阔的领域获得了普遍承认。他拒绝传统语言学解释,并回到话语行为事实,例如"我-你"关系,意味着正在说话的人当下的话语场合,"我"只能被同化且包含在该场合之中。他认为作为语言学范畴,"我"与"你"在语言中具有位置上互相关联的关系。本伍尼斯特所强调的不是"词汇",而是更为广泛的语言社会行为的理解和比较分析。在他看来,语言是人的能力,总是特殊的、变化着的,或者总是处于不同角度。在这些不同视角中,我们把自己放置在这儿或那儿,这里所揭示的问题,总是涉及结构、句法、时态、人称等等。 Emile Benveniste is a structuralist. His view of language comes from the work of Saussure. Benveniste's two volumes of Problems in General Linguistics elevate his position to much wider recognition. He refutes traditional linguistic interpretations by demonstrating that human speech, for example, the I-you relation signifies "the person who is uttering the present instance of the discourse". "I" can only be identified by the instance of discourse that contains it and by that alone. Benveniste refers to I and you as a category of language and are related to their position in language, what he stresses is not a "vocabulary" but a comprehensive and comparative analysis of linguistic social behaviors. In his view, language is the human faculty, always particular and variable or in the perspective in which we place ourselves here and there. These show an interrogation of details of structure , syntax , tense , person in languages .
作者 尚杰
出处 《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期17-24,32,共9页 Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition
关键词 索绪尔 本伍尼斯特 结构 语言学 哲学 Saussure Benveniste structure linguistics philosophy
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  • 1Emile Benveniste,Probl~mes de linguistique gknkrale , Gallimard, 1966.
  • 2Emile Benveniste,Probl~mes de linguistique gknkrale 1, Gallimard, 1966, p. 5,p. 11 ,p. 12.
  • 3Emile Benveniste, Probl~mes de linguistique gkn~rale 1, Gallimard, 1966, p. 19,p. 22,p. 25,p.?.p. 28.p. 29.
  • 4Emile Benveniste,Problkmes de linguistique g~nOrale 1, Gallimard, 1966, p. 34,p. 39 -40,p. 71 ,p.82p、85.
  • 5Emile Benveniste,Problkmes de linguistique g~nOrale 1, Gallimard, 1966, p. 40-41.
  • 6Emile Benveniste, Probl~mes de linguistique g4n4rale 1, Gallimard, 1966, p. 187, p. 187, p. 189, p 230,p. 234.
  • 7Emile Benveniste,Problkmes de linguistique gdn~rale 1, Gallimard, 1966, p. 241 ,p. 259, p. 259, p. 259,p. 264.
  • 8Emile Benveniste,Problkmes de linguistique gOnkrale 2, 15allimard, 1966, p. 4b.p. 03.
  • 9Emile Benveniste,Probl&nes de linguistique g~n~rale 2, Gallimard, 1966, p. 64,p. 65 ,p. 73,p. 74 ,p. 16.


  • 1刘艳茹.本维尼斯特与语言学的话语转向[J].当代外语研究,2010(12):32-35. 被引量:2
  • 2王秀丽.法兰西语义学派综述[J].现代外语,1996,19(3):7-12. 被引量:5
  • 3李元华.语言结构的说理分析[J].法国研究,2003(2):32-40. 被引量:2
  • 4熊明辉.语用论辩术——一种批判性思维视角[J].湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版),2006,9(1):41-46. 被引量:20
  • 5索绪尔.《普通语言学教程》.高名凯译.北京:商务印书馆,1999年.
  • 6Probl6mes de linguistiqueg6n6rale, Editions Gallimard, 1966.
  • 7Problems inGeneral Linguistics, University of Miami Press, 1971.
  • 8Benveniste, Emile. "Saussure after Half a Centu ry. " In Lingui: 40,35. Mary Elizabeth Meek, trans. , Problems in Genera! Florida .. University of Miami Press, 1971, 39.
  • 9Benveniste, Emile. "Recent Trend in General Lin- guistics. " In Mary Elizabeth Meek, trans. , Problems in General Linguistics. Florida: University of Miami Press, 1971,14.
  • 10Kristeva, Julia. "Intellectual Roots. " In Ross Mitchell Guberman, ed. , Julia Kristeva Interviews. New York.. Columbia University Press, 1996, 15 16.










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