目的探讨采用两个半荷包缝合的pph(吻合器痔上黏膜切除术)加外痔切除术治疗重度痔的疗效。方法对70例重痔患者,采用两个半荷包缝合的pph加外痔切除手术,分析手术效果和总结手术经验。结果 70例手术患者症状缓解率100%,无复发,术后并发症明显减少,患者满意率高。结论两个半荷包缝合的pph加外痔切除术操作简单、手术时间短、住院时间短、复发少、恢复快,能最大限度保留了肛门的生理功能,是一种切实可行的一种治疗混合痔的新术式,手术效果好,值得临床推广。
Objective This paper studies the the effect of semi-pouch suture of PPH(procedure for prolapse and haemorrhoids) combined with external hemorrhoidectomy in the treatment of severe hemorrhoids.Method To operate on 70 serious patients by semi-pouch suture of PPH combined with external hemorrhoidectomy operation,to analyze the effect and summarize the experience.Result The symptoms of everyone of the 70 patients has improved,with no recurrence and high rate of satisfaction.Conclusion semi-pouch suture of PPH combined with external hemorrhoidectomy is simple and time-saving.Besides,it shortens patients' time in hospital,causes fewer recurrences,quicken the recovery and retains the physiologic function of anus as much as possible.It is a new,practical and effective method for treating mixed hemorrhoid and worth being popularized.
Journal of Shanxi Datong University(Natural Science Edition)