目的 :探讨老年Ⅱ型糖尿病患者α 脂蛋白 (α Lp)的变化。方法 :从病史 5年以上患者中选取无合并症者 97例、合并肾脏微血管病变者 5 4例 ,测定血清α Lp等脂类指标。结果 :老年Ⅱ型糖尿病患者α Lp显著增高 ,且合并肾脏微血管病变患者增高更为显著。结论 :老年Ⅱ型糖尿病患者α Lp升高 ;高水平α Lp是患者心血管疾病风险增高的危险因素 。
s:Objective:To study the changes of α Lp levels of the aged NIDDM patients.Method:Serum α Lp and other lipid metabolic parameters were determined in 97 NIDDM patients of more than five years and with no complications and 54 NIDDM patients with kidney microangiopathy.Results:There were significant differences in α Lp concentrations between NIDDM patients (especially with kidney microangiopathy) and the controls group.Conclusions:It is suggested that α Lp concentration is increased in aged NIDDM patients and might be a risk factor for heart and cerebrovacalar diseases.It is suggested that high α Lp joins in the development of kidney microangiopathy.
Journal of Zhenjiang Medical College