针对当前三维建模软件在使用上存在的一些不便,研究了如何使用几何建模内核Open CASCADE开发三维建模软件的方法,即在VC++的环境下,以Open CASCADE的类库为基础,采用OCAF(Open CASCADE ApplicationFrame)框架来开发建模软件。该软件实现了读取与写入CAD模型文件、创建简单几何实体以及特征操作等功能。在教学的过程中使用该软件进行操作演示,不仅可以提高学生的学习兴趣,还可以提高学生的空间想象力和读图识图的能力。
In view of the inconvenience on which the use of the current three-dimensional modeling software, the method is proposed to apply the geometric modeling kernel of Open cascade in developing the three-dimensional modeling software. The Open CASCADE class library is used to develop modeling software based on the OCAF(Open CASCADE Application Frame) framework in the environment of VC++. The software achieves the functions of reading and writing the CAD files, and creating simple geometric entities, as well as the feature operations. The results show that it can not only improve the learning interest of students, but also improve the students' ability of spatial imagination a,ld the ability to interpret and identify the images.
Mechanical Engineer