

Clinical Significance of Aneuploid of Chromosome 8 in the Diagnosis for Gastric Adenocarcinoma
摘要 [目的]通过研究原发性胃腺癌8号染色体倍性改变,对比胃癌与癌旁组织的差异,探讨其与胃癌病理诊断及临床病理指标的相关性。[方法]选取文献报道的胃癌中非整倍体出现频率较高的8号染色体的着丝粒探针,应用荧光原位杂交技术对127例胃腺癌、32例癌旁组织及5例远端胃黏膜组织进行了检测。复阅相应癌和癌旁组织病理切片和临床病理资料,分析所测样本的非整倍体发生率及其临床相关性。[结果]胃癌组织的8号染色体非整倍体发生率为68.5%,显著高于癌旁组织(15.6%),具有统计学差异(P=0.000)。8号染色体倍体改变与患者性别、年龄、部位、大体分型、肿瘤大小、浸润深度、脉管瘤栓、淋巴结转移及病理TNM分期均无显著相关性(P>0.05)。5例癌旁组织检测出8号染色体非整倍体(三体),病理组织学改变为轻度慢性炎症,其中2例伴有轻度肠上皮化生。远端胃黏膜组织8号染色体均表现为正常倍体数(二体)。[结论]8号染色体倍体改变为胃癌的诊断提供了候选分子细胞遗传学指标,可能是胃癌发生的早期遗传学改变之一,对早期诊断具有一定提示意义。 [Purpose] To investigate the clinical significance of aneuploid of chromusome 8 in gastric adenoearcinuma(GAC) and cancer adjacent tissues,and to investigate the eorrelation between clinical features and pathology. [Methods] The aneuploid of chromosome 8 was detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in 127 cases with GAC tissues,32 eases with adjacent tissues and 5 cases with distal normal tissues. We selected centromere probe ten8 speeifie for chromosome 8,which frequently amplified in GAC according to the references. The clinieopathologieal features in 127 GAC patients were reviewed. Data were analyzed by SPSSI1.5 statistical software for Windows. [Results] The results of FISH showed that 68.5% of ten8 were aneuploid in GAC tissues which was significantly higher than that in adjacent tissues (15.6%) (P= 0.000). No ton'elation existed between aneuploid of cen8 and gender,age,localization ,macroscopic type,tumor size,grade,Iauren classification,lymph uode metastasis and clinical stage(P〉0.05).The triploid of chromosome 8 was deteeted in 5 cases with cancer adjacent tissues, which had mild chronic inflamnation in pathological histology, and 2 cases of them with mild intestine epithelium. Five cases with distal normal mueosa were all diploid, [ Conclusions ] Detection of aneuploid of cen8 may be helpful GAC diagnosis in molecular genetics level and early diagnosis.
出处 《中国肿瘤》 CAS 2013年第3期223-228,共6页 China Cancer
关键词 胃腺癌 荧光原位杂交 染色体 gastric adenocarcinoma fluorescence in situ hybridization chromosome
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