

Chen Yun's Theories and Practice on People's Welfare before and after the 8^(th) National Congress of CPC
摘要 八大前后陈云研究解决民生问题的思想和实践,是在以苏为鉴,汲取波兰、匈牙利事件的教训,落实党的八届二中全会方针的背景下发生的。主要内容包括:提出把中国资本主义工商业和个体农业、手工业改造成为一种有利于人民的社会主义经济,克服苏共忽视民生的体制弊端;采取搞活市场的政策,满足人民多种多样的生活需要;首先考虑到民生,不要怕被别人说成是机会主义;兼顾经济建设和人民生活这两头,建议越南走先轻工业后重工业的道路;保护农村劳动力,尽快消灭血吸虫病;呼吁节制生育,限制人口过快增长;找出一个平衡民生和建设问题的标准,在照顾必需的最低限度的民生条件下来搞建设。陈云研究解决民生问题的思想和实践,丰富了马克思主义的理论宝库,指导了人民群众生活的改善,巩固了党的执政地位。 Chen Yun's theories on people's welfare around the 8^th National Congress of CPC were to learn from the Soviet Union, draw lessons from Poland and Hungary, and to put policies of The Second Plenary Session of the 8^th National Congress of the CPC into practice. It mainly includes: to transform the capitalistic industry and business, individual agriculture and crafts in china into a socialistic economics that can benefit all the people; to overcome all systematic disadvantages of the Soviet Union in neglecting people's welfare; to activate the market to satisfy people's multiple livelihood needs; to take people's welfare as the primary consideration instead of being afraid of being mistaken as opportunism; to stress both economic construction and people' s welfare; to recommend Vietnam with the path of light industry first and heavy industry following; to protect work labors in rural areas by eliminating schistosomiasis as quickly as possible; to call on planning birth-control to slow down the quick increasing of population; to seek a standard for balancing construction and people's welfare to carry on construction after satisfying the minimum demands of people' s welfare. The theories and practice of Chen Yun on people's welfare enrich the theoretic heritage of Marxism, instruct the improvement of people' s welfare and consolidate the ruling power of CPC.
作者 董志铭
出处 《中国浦东干部学院学报》 2013年第1期112-118,共7页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong
关键词 八大前后 陈云 民生 around the Eighth National Congress of CPC, Chen Yun, People's Welfare
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