
男性HIV单阳家庭社会性别相关因素对安全套使用情况的影响 被引量:13

Gender and its impact on condom use among HIV male serodiscordant couples
摘要 目的探讨影响中国部分艾滋病高发地区男性HIV单阳家庭安全套使用情况的社会性别相关因素。方法2011年6—9月,在现有疫情数据库分析的基础上开展横断面调查,在四川省昭觉县、云南省大理市、河南省尉氏县和广西壮族自治区灵山县、鹿寨县5个HIV高发县(市),采用方便抽样,利用自行设计的调查问卷收集一般人口学、HIV配偶问传播知识、高危行为和社会性别相关因素的信息。共调查HIV单阳家庭女性阴性配偶481名。对影响调查对象安全套使用的社会性别因素进行X2检验和多因素logistic回归分析。结果在参与调查的481名女性阴性配偶中,年龄为(35.1±6.7)岁,以汉族与彝族所占比例较高,分别为43.5%(209/481)和41.8%(201/481)。调查对象对“配偶感染前,是否知道性接触是艾滋病的重要传播途径”、“是否知道配偶间性行为时正确使用安全套可以减少传播艾滋病”及“在配偶感染后,是否意识到自己也可能感染艾滋病”的知晓率分别为79.6%(370名)、86.9%(418名)和90.6%(436名)。86.9%(418/481)的调查对象得知配偶感染后增加了安全套的使用,安全套坚持使用率为56.6%(272/481)。57.6%(277/481)的调查对象性关系权力较低;在过去的1年中,遭受过配偶强迫性性行为者占34.5%(166/481);安全套自我使用效能得分为0~3分者分别占12.7%(61/481)、23.9%(115/481)、8.7%(42/481)和54.7%(263/481),中位数为3分。多因素logistic分析显示,汉族和其他民族不能坚持使用安全套的比例均低于彝族,OR(95%CI)值分别为0.01(0.00—0.03)和0.01(0.00~0.04);而随着安全套自我使用效能的提高,HIV单阳家庭女性阴性配偶的安全套坚持使用率也提高,OR(95%CI)值为0.20(0.11~0.34)。结论排除混杂因素(民族)的影响之后,随着安全套自我使用效能的提高,HIV单阳家庭女性阴性配偶安全套坚持使用率有所提高。 Objective To study the gender-based factors which influence the condom use among the HIV serodiscordant couples in selected regions of China. Methods Based on the analysis of the existing case reporting database and convenient sampling in the cross-sectional study, a total of 481 female HIV- negative spouses completed an interviewer-administered questionnaire regarding demographic characters, the knowledge, behaviors and the gender-based factors in five sites of four provinces Sichuan(Zhaojue) , Yunnan (Dali), Henan( Weishi ) and Guangxi (Lingshan and Luzhai ), during June- September 2011. X2 analysis and logistic regression were used to study the gender-based factors influencing condom use among the participants. Results Among the 481 female HIV-negative spouses , the average age was ( 35. 1 ± 6. 7 ) years,and the proportion of Han and Yi nationality were high,43.5% (209/481) and 41.8% (201/481), respectively. The awareness of knowledge related to HIV spousal transmission was high( I〉79.6% ). A total of 86.9% (418/481) used condom more frequently after informed the status of HIV infection of their spouses,and the condom use consistency was 56. 6% (272/481). A total of 57.6% (277/481) reported low sexual relationship power; 34.5% (166/481) experienced forced sex in the past 1 year. And the proportion of condom use self-efficacy from 0 to 3 scores were 12. 7% (61/481) ,23.9% ( 115/481 ) ,8.7% (42/481)and 54. 7 % (263/481 ), respectively (median = 3 ). Han and other nationality were significantly more likely to use condom consistently than Yi, with odds ratio ( 95% C1) of 0. 01 ( 0. 00 - 0. 03 ) and 0. 01 ( 0. 00 - 0. 04 ) , and the female spouses with higher condom use self-efficacy used condom more consistently than the lower ones, with odds ratio(95 % CI) of 0. 20 (0. 11 -0. 34). Conclusion The female spouses with higher condom use self-efficacy were more likely to use condom consistently after excluding the confounding effect of nationality.
出处 《中华预防医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期227-232,共6页 Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine
关键词 HIV血清阳性 配偶 避孕套 社会性别 HIV seropositivity Spouses Condoms Gender
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