

The Preliminary Study for the Relationship between Digestive Enzyme Activity and Ornamental Carp(Cryprinus Carpiod) Individual Growth
摘要 饲喂个体标记的锦鲤(Cryprinus carpiod)2个月,每2周测定一次体重,初步探讨了锦鲤体重的增加与其胰蛋白酶和淀粉酶活性的相关联系。结果发现这2种消化酶的比活力与锦鲤的相对增重率和特定生长率均低度相关,相关性不显著;但胰蛋白酶比活力与淀粉酶比活力表现为显著相关。这表明锦鲤体重增加的快慢与其胰蛋白酶和淀粉酶活性大小之间的关联度不如预期的那么明显。 Fed individually marked Ornamental Carp two months and weighted them every two weeks,we investigated briefly the relativity for fish growth and the activities of trypsin and amylase. The results showed that the specific activities for these two digestive enzymes had low correlation with both relative and specific growth rates for the fish, but there be some significant relativity between the activities of trypsin and amylase. Briefly ,it's not as pronounced as expected for the correlation degree between the fish growth and the activities for these digestive enzymes.
作者 王秋岑 刘玮
出处 《江西科学》 2013年第1期43-47,共5页 Jiangxi Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30860217) 南昌市科技局科技攻关项目(编号:200J116)
关键词 胰蛋白酶 淀粉酶 锦鲤 比活力 Trypsin, Amylase, Cryprinus carpiod, Specific activity
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