
密闭式吸痰的研究进展 被引量:2

Research progress on closed endotraeheal suctioning
摘要 接受机械通气的患者目前多采用开放式吸痰,容易合并呼吸机相关性肺炎。近年来,密闭式吸痰广泛应用于临床,与开放式吸痰方法相比,密闭式吸痰能够减少吸痰导致的气道污染,肺组织再损伤,降低呼吸机相关性肺炎发生率。 Patients receiving mechanical ventilation (MV) can contract ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) because of open endotraeheal suetioning. Closed endotraeheal suctioning was applied widely in clinical. Compared with open endotracheal suctioning, it could reduce airway pollution, re - injury of the lung tissue and the occurrence rate of VAP.
出处 《国际护理学杂志》 2013年第3期449-451,共3页 international journal of nursing
关键词 密闭式吸痰 开放式吸痰 研究进展 Closed endotraeheal suctioning Open endotracheal suctioning Research progress
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