目的 探讨同种异体鼻中隔软骨在改良Ⅲ型鼓室成形术中的应用 ,提高鼓室成形术后听力效果。方法采用改良Ⅲ型鼓室成形术式 ,以同种异体鼻中隔软骨为听骨重建材料 ,对 12 7只耳施行鼓室成形术。结果 术后 6~12个月 ,随访到 113只耳中气导提高 10dbHL以上者 10 2只耳 (90 3% ) ,12~ 42个月 ,随访到 87只耳中有 74只耳(85 1% )气导仍为提高 10dbHL。结论 同种异体鼻中隔软骨于改良Ⅲ型鼓室成形术中 ,组织相容性好 ,清除病变彻底 ,远期听力效果满意。
Objective To study the application of foreign septal cartilage in modified type Ⅲ tympanoplasty and enhance the postoperative hearing level of tympanoplasty.Methods Tympanopasty using reconstructed ossicular chain from foreign septal cartilages were performed on 127 ears.Results The prstoperative follow ups have been made in 6~12 months and the total effective rate of hearing (>10dB)was 102/113 (90.3%)and 74/87(85.1%)in 12~42 months.Conclusions The present study suggested that the septal cartilage get on well with each other in tympanoplasty and longterm learing improvement was satisfactory.
Journal of Qinghai Medical College