目的评价640层螺旋CT泌尿系三维成像在泌尿系梗阻性疾病诊断中的价值。方法对274例B超、KUB及IVP未明确病因的泌尿系梗阻性疾病患者,行640层螺旋CT扫描,利用后处理技术对扫描资料进行三维重建处理。结果 640层螺旋CT泌尿系成像清晰显示泌尿系的解剖结构,梗阻部位,以及病变和尿路之间的关系。274例患者中,泌尿系结石154例,肾盂输尿管重复畸形29例,输尿管良性狭窄34例,肾输尿管肿瘤26例,肾输尿管结核13例,腔静脉后输尿管8例,巨输尿管畸形1例,腹膜后肿瘤压迫输尿管9例。结石和肿瘤病例均经手术病理证实,CT诊断与临床诊断符合率100%。结论 640层CT泌尿系三维成像显示泌尿系梗阻性疾病安全、便捷,可靠,应作为首选方法之一。
Objective To evaluate the 640-slice spiral CT with 3-dimensinal reconstruction in diagnosis of urologic obstruction. Methods In 274 cases having urinary tract obstructive dis- ease which cause could not be diagnosed by ultrasonography, kidney-ureter-bladder plain film and intravenous urography, 640-slice spiral CT was performed. The acquired data were post- processd using 3-dimensional reconstruction technique. Results The 640-slice spiral CT urog- raphy showed the course of the urinary system, obstructed position ande the lesions clearly. In the 274 cases, 154 of urinary calculi, 29 of duplex renal pelvis and ureter, 34 of benign stric- ture of ureter, 26 of urinary tumors, 13 of urinary tuberculosis, 8 of posterior ureter of vena ca- va, 1 of megaureter, 9 of ureter compressed by retroperitoneal neoplasm were diagnosed, and all of them were confirmed by surgical and pathological findings. The coincidence rate of CT and clinical diagnosis was 100%. Conclusion 640-slice spiral CT with 3-dimensinal reconstruc- tion technique is safe, reliable, convenient and fast, which might be used as the first choice of imaging technique in the urologic obstruction.
Journal of Harbin Medical University