In order to reveal the transportation and distribution of ^14C-labelled auxin in different parts at the pegging stage of peanut, ‘Zhonghua 4' was used as the experimental material by locally applying ^14C-IAA on top leaves, roots, flowers and stem portions below where pegs were originated, the autoradiographs were analysed and the radioactivity in the different parts was determined by using a liquid scintillation counter. The results showed that the ^14C-IAA contents in roots and stems were higher than in leaves at 48 h after the treatment, and the transport rate was approximately 5 mm·h^-1 from top leaves to downwards of stems when top leaves were treated. In case of root treatment, ^14C-IAA had a transportation trend upwards. The accumulation of ^14C-IAA in roots was higher than in other parts, moreover the upwards transportation ability of lgC-IAA was stronger at 24 h after the treatment. Whereas ^14C-IAA applied in the stem portions transported both upwards and downwards simultaneously, and ^14C-IAA content was found to be high in roots, stems and leaves after treated 24 h. The transportation of ^14C-IAA from flowers with pegs was found mainly downwards after treated for 72 h. However the highest content of ^14C-IAA was found in leaves followed by stems and the lowest was in roots in case of ^14C-IAA transportation from flowers without pegs.
Plant Physiology Journal