
下颌后牙残根即刻种植的选择与临床技术 被引量:10

Indications and key points of immediate implant placement after exaction of the mandibular posterior residual roots
摘要 由于缺牙后牙槽骨的吸收、种植治疗周期长、大多数缺牙患者渴望尽快修复等原因,使得越来越多的种植医生和患者选择即刻种植技术,希望在牙齿拔除的同时能够即刻植入种植体。这对于临床医生来说需要更多的临床种植知识和更丰富的临床经验来选择评估即刻种植病例的可行性。本文从种植方式的分类、即刻种植的优势和禁忌证、下颌后牙残根即刻种植病例的选择及如何提高下颌后牙残根即刻种植成功率四方面浅谈个人看法,以期最大限度的获得即刻种植治疗的成功率。 Due to the alveolar bone resorption after teeth missing, long treatment cycle along with the patients'eagerness of treatment, more and more patients as well as dentists of implantology intend to choose immediate implant placement and hope the implants placed instantly af- ter tooth extraction. More clinical implantology knowledge and extensive experiences are needed for dentists to assess the feasibility of imme- diate implantation in cases. In order to achieve the maximum success rate of immediate implant placement, four aspects are included in this article as follows : classification of implant patterns, advantages and contraindications of immediate implant placement, indications of immedi- ate implant placement after extraction of the mandibular posterior residual roots and the measures for success.
出处 《实用口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期295-298,共4页 Journal of Practical Stomatology
基金 国家自然基金资助(编号:81170984
关键词 种植体 即刻种植 下颌后牙残根 Implant Immediate implant placement The mandibular posterior residual roots
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