
不同轧制方式对铌箔微观组织和织构的影响 被引量:3

Microstructure and texture of niobium foils fabricated by different rolling methods
摘要 采用取向分布函数(ODF),并通过光学金相(OM)显微组织观察,研究分析经4种不同轧制方式变形及其在1 050℃退火1 h过程中微观组织和织构的演变。研究结果表明:对于顺轧变形方式的铌箔,经1 050℃退火1 h后较其他3种轧制方式晶粒细小均匀,晶粒的平均尺寸约为40μm;交叉轧制变形方式能形成较强的{001}<110>形变织构,并且经退火后能强化{111}<uvw>再结晶织构,有利于提高铌材的深冲性能,同时减少{001}<100>立方织构,而其他3种轧制方式对{001}<100>织构具有强化作用;4种不同轧制方式变形不能强化{111}<110>形变织构。 Evolutions of microstructures and textures of niobium foils were studied by OM and ODF techniques, and the niobium foils processed by four different cold-rolling methods prior to 1 050 ℃/1 h final annealing. The results show that the rolling direction parallel to the ingot centerline obtains fine grain (the mean size of grain is 40 ~μm). Strong {001 } 〈 110〉 texture is developed in cross-rolled niobium foils. After annealing, a stronger { 111 } 〈uvw〉 texture together with weaker {001 }〈100〉 texture is developed in the cross-rolled foils, which can enhances the deep drawability, while a stronger {001}〈100〉 texture is developed in other methods. The deformation textures {111}〈110〉 can not be strengthened after being processed by the four different cold-rolled methods.
出处 《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期501-507,共7页 Journal of Central South University:Science and Technology
基金 国家重点基础研究发展规划(“973”计划)项目(2010CB731700)
关键词 铌箔 轧制方式 微观组织 织构 niobium foil rolling method microstructure texture
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