
水驱气藏型储气库运行指标动态预测 被引量:14

Dynamic prediction of operation indexes of flooded gas storage
摘要 针对水驱型气藏储层特征,通过归类分析揭示水驱气藏型储气库注、采运行规律,确定边水运移、岩石骨架应力敏感性及储层展布特征是此类气库运行效果的主要影响因素,并进一步完善水驱气藏型储气库渗流模型。从储层流体非稳态渗流理论出发,采用循环迭代的方式实现了水驱气藏型储气库运行指标动态预测,建立一种针对水驱气藏型储气库运行的参数分析方法。 According to the geological characteristics of flooded gas reservoir, the injection-withdrawal operating regularity of flooded gas storage was opened up by using the classification analysis. It was determined that water movement type, sensitivity of reservoir rocks and reservoir distribution characteristics could reflect the operation efficiency of reservoir in flooded gas storage, and the perfect seepage model for describing the operation of flooded gas storage was accomplished. Based on the theory of unsteady seepage theory of formation fluid, the predicting for the operation indexes was completed by using cyclic iteration, and the parameters analysis method for gas storage was established for flooded gas reservoir.
出处 《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期701-706,共6页 Journal of Central South University:Science and Technology
基金 国家科技重大专项项目(2011ZX05013-002)
关键词 水驱气藏 储气库 注采运行 边水运移 动态预测 库容可动用率 flooded gas reservoir gas storage injection-withdrawal operation water movement dynamic prediction capacity availability
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