
三江平原白枕鹤孵化期觅食行为研究 被引量:2

Observation on Foraging Behavior of White - naped Crane in Incubation Period at Sanjiang Plain
摘要 2011年4月20日~5月7日,以七星河自然保护区繁殖的白枕鹤为研究对象,采用扫描取样法对孵化期白枕鹤的觅食行为进行了研究。研究结果表明:白枕鹤偏好在芦苇地和苔草地中觅食,多以植物的嫩叶为食。孵化期昼间行为活动时间分配中觅食行为所占时间为39.31%。日节律显示:觅食行为在一天中出现2次高峰,即6:00~8:00和16:00~17:00之间,而在14:00~15:00出现低谷。 Foraging behaviors of White - naped Crane ( Grus vipio ) during incubation were using scan sampling and focal - an- imal sampling from 20 April to 7 May 2011 at Qixinghe National Nature Reserve, Sanjiang Plain, Heilongjiang Province. Cranes preferred the leaf buds of plants in reed beds and moss grass forage. Foraging occupied 39% of daylight activities during incubation. There were two peaks of foraging, at 6:00 - 8:00 and 16:00 - 17: 00, and foraging was minimal from 14 : 00 - 15 : 00. Human disturbance and environmental factors were the key factors affecting foraging activity of cranes during the incubation period.
作者 荆心 李晓民
出处 《野生动物》 2013年第2期98-100,共3页
基金 国家自然科学基金(31070345)
关键词 白枕鹤 觅食行为 孵化期 七星河保护区 White -naped Crane Grus vipio Foraging behavior Incubation period Qixinghe National Nature Reserve
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