
欧债危机与全球银行业发展趋势 被引量:2

European Debt Crisis and the Development Trends of Global Banking
摘要 在经济全球化的今天,欧债危机不仅是一个区域性的主权债务危机,也会通过各种渠道影响世界经济的发展。由于欧债危机与银行业具有较强的联动性,银行业也是防止欧债危机扩散、防范经济衰退的关键。欧债危机在削弱欧元区银行业资产的同时,也使其在国际货币市场上短期融资的压力陡增,并通过金融渠道和贸易渠道传染了美国及新兴市场国家的银行业。本文探究欧债危机对全球银行业造成的影响,旨在分析全球银行业的格局变化和走势。 In the age of economic globalization,European debt crisis is not only a territorial crisis,as it can also affect the world economy in more than one channel.Because of the strong co-movement relationship between the European debt crisis and the banking crisis,the banking sector is also a vital factor which can prevent the European debt crisis from spreading and causing great economic recession.During the crisis,European banks suffered strong impairment in their asset,and their funding pressure in the international monetary market also increased.In a broader stage,banking in USA and some emerging countries were infected through financial and trade channels.This article explores the strong influence exerted on the banking in Europe,U.S.and emerging markets by European debt crisis,to analyze the pattern and the trends of global banking in the near future.
作者 曾忠东 靳琦
出处 《商业研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期137-143,共7页 Commercial Research
基金 国家社科基金项目 项目编号:09BJY002
关键词 欧债危机 全球银行业 主权债务危机 欧元区 European debt crisis globle banking sovereign debt crisis Euro-area
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