Objective: Through the summary and analysis CaiGongXie pinghang present situation and the existing problems, timely find out low-risk blood donor population,prediction of pingliang CaiGongXie overall development trend, to make the recruiting safe blood source strategy to provide basis for further promoting the development of the city free blood donation. Methods: through the center blood stations information section to the our city from 2002 to 2011 CaiGongXie data, the various medical institutions of clinical blood use data, component blood use ratio of statistics,sorting,were retrospectively analyzed. Results:2002-2011,ten years the amount of free blood donation collection average annual growth rate of 16.08%; Red blood cell separation rate 57.82%; EspeeiaUy the machine adopt platelet from 2002 in 4 u increased to 2011 u,inereased 24.75 times. Clinical component blood transfusion rate increased year by year, increased from 34.2% to 99.5%, an increase of 65.3%, whole blood utilization rate decreases year by year, the whole city counties and hospital, clinical blood composition proportion, close to the situation changed, component blood utilization rate in more than 95%. Conclusion: with the development of economy and the improvement of medical technology, the clinical blood utilization rate is rising year by year, in blood stations acquisition work will face greater challenges, so we will continue to do a blood donation work, strengthens the clinical CaiGongXie supervision mechanism, ensure the CaiGongXie system co nstruction,in order to ensure the safe and effective blood supply,the implementation of "open source throttling" obligatory, will be blood stations colleagues a long-term and arduous task.
Gansu Medical Journal
collection and suppe of blood
open source throttling
component blood transfusion
the voluntary blood donation
retrospective analysis