
巴赫金对话理论的修辞学研究 被引量:2

A Rhetorical Study of Bakhtin's Dialogical Theory
摘要 巴赫金(M.M.Bakhtin)学术思想的核心和精髓是对话理论,其主旨在于强调一种积极的、崇尚个性、注重平等参与的人文精神,对话思想贯穿于他的语言学和符号学思想。虽然巴赫金不是修辞学家,但他有关修辞学的陈述都倡导将修辞学解释为对话,从而确认了话语的各种形式。巴赫金的对话概念极大地发展和丰富了修辞学传统,由此而形成的对话修辞学将巴赫金作品中和现代文化理论中所形成的新的概念应用于修辞学传统,给传统修辞学注入了新的活力。巴赫金的对话修辞学是一种检测我们与他人的观点以及检测我们自身的手段,尤其是对我们个体的和文化的差异的一种检测。从修辞学的视角来探讨巴赫金的对话理论,有助于对其理论能进一步加以审视和理解。 The core and essence of M. M. Bakhtin' s academic thoughts is the dialogical theory, whose gist is to emphasize a kind of positive humane spirit, which respects individuality and focuses on equal participation. The dialogical thought runs throughout both of his linguistic and semiotic thoughts. Although Bakhtin was not a rhetorician, all his statements about rhetoric advocate explaining rhetoric as dialogue, thus confirming various forms of ut- terances, such as expression, juxtaposition, or negotiation of differences. Bakhtin' s dialogical concepts have greatly developed and enriched the rhetorical tradition. The dialogical rhetoric has applied the new concepts formed in Bakhtin' s works and the contemporary cultural theory to traditional rhetoric, into which new vitality has been injec- ted. Bakhtin' s dialogical rhetoric is a kind of means to test our and others' views, especially to test the differences of individuals and cultures. Exploring Bakhtin' s dialogical theory from the perspective of rhetoric can help people have a further understanding of his theories.
作者 龙金顺
出处 《南阳师范学院学报》 CAS 2013年第2期47-49,共3页 Journal of Nanyang Normal University
关键词 巴赫金 对话理论 修辞学 Bakhtin dialogical theory rhetoric
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