
力反馈模式半球谐振陀螺仪振幅控制稳态模型的建立 被引量:4

Establishment of steady state model of amplitude-control for hemispherical resonator gyro under force-rebalance mode
摘要 在力反馈模式下,半球谐振子上主激励电机与反馈激励电机处的振幅控制是半球谐振陀螺控制系统的一个重要环节。为了给出两电机的准确控制电压量,以控制谐振子在有角速率输入时波腹方位角与主激励电机方位基本一致,在建立了谐振子存在密度不均匀缺陷时谐振子的动力学方程的基础上建立了振动位移的状态方程,通过对状态方程的求解,给出了两激励电压的解析表达式。从反馈激励电机的激励电压的表达式中可以得出它与输入角速率、谐振子的缺陷之间的关系,为振幅控制和误差分析打下了基础。根据谐振子结构参数对激励电压进行了计算,计算结果与实际相符,证明了本文推导的半球谐振子振幅稳态模型的正确性。 Amplitude-control of the main excitation and the rebalance excitation is an important part of force-rebalance control system of HRG under force-rebalance mode.Controlling the voltage values of the two excitations could be used to make the azimuth of radial vibration antinode be the same as that of the main excitation.In order to accurately control the voltage values,the state equation about vibration displacement and velocity was established based on the dynamics equations of resonator with the density distributed nonuniformity in the circular direction,and the representations of the two excitation's voltage values were achieved by solving the state equation.The relationships among the input angle rate,the defection of resonator and the force-rebalance voltage were got by the force-rebalance voltage representation,which lay a foundation for the vibration amplitude-control and the error analysis.By calculating the excitation voltage and contrasting with the voltage of practical HRG,the correctness of the established steady state model of amplitude-control for HRG are proved.
出处 《中国惯性技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期106-111,共6页 Journal of Chinese Inertial Technology
基金 国防预研项目(51309050601)
关键词 半球谐振陀螺 力反馈模式 正交控制 幅值控制 hemispherical resonator gyro force-rebalance mode quadrature control amplitude control
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