表见代理在市场经济中的作用越来越明显 ,它的建立不仅能充分保护善意相对人的合法权益 ,而且更能维护市场交易的公平、安全、便捷。但我国缺少表见代理的立法 ,司法解释也不明确。本文试对表见代理的特征、形态、法律后果的归属作一剖析 ,以期完善我国的民事代理制度。
Agency by estoppel plays a more and more important role in the market economy.Its establishing not only protects the people′s lawtul interest but also guarantees transactions being just,secure and convenient.However,China is weak in legislation as ageney by estoppel is concerned,as the judical interpretation is vague.This paper analyzes the characteristics,forms and legal outcomes of it,so to improve this deputy system in civil cases.