The efficiency of energetic ion confinement is reduced in a tokamak plasma by the non-axisymmetric field, namely the ripple field. The ripple field is produced by a finite number of toroidal field coils. It is affected by the non-axisymmetric finite beta effect. The three-dimensional MHD equilibrium calculation code VMEC is used to analyze the non-axisymmetric finite beta effect in a ripple tokamak. In the VMEC code, the flux coordinates are used, so the calculation region is limited to the area of plasma. To calculate the orbit outside the plasma, we develop a field calculation code, which is based on the Biot-Savart law. The details of the method and results are described in this paper.
The efficiency of energetic ion confinement is reduced in a tokamak plasma by the non-axisymmetric field, namely the ripple field. The ripple field is produced by a finite number of toroidal field coils. It is affected by the non-axisymmetric finite beta effect. The three-dimensional MHD equilibrium calculation code VMEC is used to analyze the non-axisymmetric finite beta effect in a ripple tokamak. In the VMEC code, the flux coordinates are used, so the calculation region is limited to the area of plasma. To calculate the orbit outside the plasma, we develop a field calculation code, which is based on the Biot-Savart law. The details of the method and results are described in this paper.
performed with the support and backing of the NIFS Collaborative Research Program