
基于行内MPD极值的自适应灰度编码PDP画质提升方法 被引量:2

A Novel Adaptive Gray Coding for Picture Quality Improvement of Plasma Display Panel
摘要 为改善动态伪轮廓(DFC)及其引起的灰度级损失,提出一种基于行内运动图像干扰(MPD)极值的自适应子场编码方法。该方法通过计算一行图像内出现的DFC极大值及其位置变化判断图像运动状态,再根据图像不同运动状选择DFC极小的灰度编码。对静态图像采用无灰度级损失的全灰阶编码方式,对动态图像采用DFC极小的关键灰度级编码。该方法的运动状态判断和关键灰度级选择均基于行图像的MPD极值完成,实验结果表明:静态图像显示细节丰富完整,动态图像DFC可减轻30%。 A novel method, the adaptive gray coding technique, was developed to significantly reduce the gay-scale loss,caused by the dynamic false contour (DFC) algorithm in plasma display panel (PDP). In the newly-developed method, based on extremization of the motion picture disturbance in a line, the image motion is first calculated by evaluat- ing the maximum value and variations in position of the DFC in a line: then, the best gray code, capable of minimizing the DFC, is selected according to the image speed. In the case of the static or slow moving images, the full-scale code is used to reduce the gray loss;whereas, when it comes to the dynamic images, the newly-developed adaptive gray coding is ap- plied to decrease the DFC. The test results show that the static images well displayed the gray scale details while improv- ing the dynamic image quality, and that the DFC could be reduced by 30%.
出处 《真空科学与技术学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期136-140,共5页 Chinese Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology
基金 核高基:PDP显示控制芯片开发与产业化(2009ZX01033-001-003-5) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60901044)
关键词 等离子显示器 动态伪轮廓 运动检测 PDP, DFC, Motion detect
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