
WTO安全例外条款分析 被引量:24

The Analysis of the WTO Security Exception Rules
摘要 WTO与国家安全例外相关的规则本身较为模糊。WTO是否有权、以及将如何裁决国家安全措施导致的贸易纠纷均无明确答案。在目前国家安全相关贸易纠纷不断增多的情况下,争议成员应遵循"善意"原则,尽量避免贸易纠纷升级,务实地寻求双边解决方案,同时积极完善多边贸易规则。 The WTO rules for national security are themselves not clearly de- fined. Members differ in whether, and if yes, how the WTO dispute settlement bodies adjudicate security related trade disputes. Whereas security related trade dis- putes are arising, it is recommended that disputing Members, following the good faith principle, refrain from resort their disputes to the WTO and seek bilateral solutions in a practical manner. At the same time, Members should endeavor to promote the improvement of the current WTO rules.
作者 安佰生
出处 《国际贸易问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期125-131,共7页 Journal of International Trade
关键词 WTO 安全例外 自决权 善意原则 WTO Security exception Self-judge Good faith
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  • 1[3]United States-Trade Measures Affecting Nicaragua,GATT Document.L/6053(1986).
  • 2[4]参见Statement of the EEC Representative,GATT Doc.C/M157 at 10(1982).
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