中小学生在校发生意外伤害事故,包括身体伤害和精神伤害丙种,统称人身伤害事故。根据其发 生的时间、地点,又可分为教学事故和非教学事故,在处理上应当给予必要的医疗急救处理和责任追究处理。 不同类型的事故要求从不同角度采取预防措施。学生在校学习期间,学校、教师具有监督学生行为,保障其身 心安全、健康的责任。
The accidents,the unforeseen events or circumstances,include somatic damage and mental damage which can be classified as teaching accidents and non-teaching accidents. The emergency treatment and the ascertainment of responsibilities must be carried on in handling the accidents,and different measures should be taken for preventing different accidents. The schools should assume the responsibilities for supervising the students' behavior and protecting the students from being hurt mentally or physically.
Journal of Hebei Normal University(Educational Science)