客家是中华民族的一支重要民系 ,以操客家方言为主要特征 ,历代客家英才辈出 ,与客家人非常重视教育的传统直接相关。本文从教育兴学的角度探讨了客家人社会生活的一个重要侧面 ,揭示了民族兴旺 。
Hakkaology is a subject studying the Hakkas——the common Chinese people who speak in Hakka dialect. Ancestors of the Hakkas were the Han people living in the central plains in China. There have been lots of persons of outstanding ability in the Hakkas that gave a far long effect on Chinese history. This paper studied the aspect of education in the Hakkas, correlated between the education and social development needs the basis of education and educated people.
Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences Edition