目的 :考察在 2 5℃和 3 7℃注射用阿洛西林钠与五种输液配伍 6h内的稳定性。方法 :采用硫醇汞盐 紫外分光光度法测定配伍后 6h内阿洛西林钠的含量 ,同时观察外观并测pH值。结果 :在 2 5℃和 3 7℃ 6h内配伍液外观澄明 ,无颜色改变 ,pH值变化不大 ,在五种输液中 6h内阿洛西林钠的相对百分含量均 >98%。结论 :在 2 5℃和 3 7℃ 6h内注射用阿洛西林钠与五种输液可配伍使用。
Objective:Stability of azlocillin sodium in five intravenous admixtures was investigated within six hours at 25 ℃ and 37 ℃. Method:Solutions appearance and pH was assessed, the content of azlocillin sodium could be determined by UV spectrophotometry after compatibility. Results:There was no evident changes in appearance and pH, the content of azlocillin sodium was over 98% of the initial concentration in five intravenous admixtures within 6 hours. Conclusion:Azlocillin sodium mixed with five intravenous solution can be used at 25 ℃ and 37 ℃ for 6 hours.
Herald of Medicine