目的与方法 :通过足月妊娠孕妇采用阴道后穹窿置米索前列醇引产观察对母婴的影响 ,并设静点催产素者为对照组。结果 :应用米索前列醇组在引产有效率及降低剖宫产率方面均优于催产素组 ,而对新生儿的影响与催产素组无明显差别。结论
Objective and Method Through observing the influences to mothers and neonates by putting misoprostol into the full-term pregnant woman's vaginal back fornix to carry out induced labour and comparing with the group hastened parturition by intravenous.Results We found that the misoprostol method is better than using oxytoxin in the efficiency rate of induced latour and decrease of cesarean rate.As to the influences to neonates,the above two methods has no obvious difference.Conclusion It is a safe and efficient method to use misoprostol for induced labour.
Jilin Medical Journal