Through the analysis of large sample survey of the characteristics of different social strata in western Guangdong who participate in sports,The characteristics of western Cantonese participate in sports of the diversification trend and multi-dimensional impact factors are studied,Which based on the people of western Guangdong of different social strata who participate in sport and the social class structure of dynamic and diversification of the transition in China.The results showed that the managers,Professional and technical personnel of private entrepreneurs select the high consumption project of single or double activities,Such as bowling,Golf,Etc.The main purpose of them is to relax and maintain well-proportioned body;The staff,Self-employed,Workers and other sectors choice the low consumption of free fitness walk or ball games,Who purpose is to physical fit and entertain,The time they spent is rise with the improvement of the social strata,and more of them spent on public sports venues and gym,The economic level is still the main factors that affect different segments to participate in sports activities,The time,Interest and inert are three factors of great obstacle of all sectors of society to participate in sports activities.
Sichuan Sports Science
Social differentiation
Characteristics of Sports Participation
Western Guangdong