
国内外电子政府发展理论研究综述 被引量:2

Literature Review on Theory of E-government Development at Home and Abroad
摘要 公共管理领域关于电子政府发展的理论研究取得重要进展,它一方面对电子政府的理念重塑做出贡献,另一方面又生成了许多关于电子政府实践的有意义和重要的成果,其内容主要集中在对电子政府本质的研究、对电子政府发展面临问题与挑战的研究、对制约电子政府发展关键性因素的研究以及对电子政府构建的基础条件的研究。 The theoretical research of development of e-government has made important progress in public management field. It makes contribution for concept remodeling of e-government on one hand, and generates a lot of meaningful and important research results about practice of electronic government on the other hand. The contents of theory of e-government development mainly include four aspects: the essence of electronic government, the problems and challenges of development of electronic government faced, the key factors of restrict the development of e-government, and the basic conditions of e-government building.
作者 杨国栋
机构地区 吉林大学
出处 《电子科技大学学报(社科版)》 2013年第1期44-48,共5页 Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 吉林省科技发展计划项目"吉林省地方政府深化行政审批制度改革研究"(20070611-2)
关键词 电子政府 公共管理改革 基础条件 e-government basic conditions public management reform
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