Objective:To observe the nitergic innervation of blood vessels and nitergic neuron in the rat brain, and further prove the effect of nitric oxide in the blood vessels. Methods: Brain were ,removed from 5 Wistar rats by perfusion fixation. Sections were cut by a freezing-microtome, freefloating sections were stained for NADPH-d histochemical method. Results: Nitergic neurons were detected in the rat brain, 2 types could be readily distinguished: bipolar neurons and mutipolar neurons. Their fine branching dendrities closely connected blood vessels. We found fine perivascular fibers of varicose NADPH-d positive fibers plexus also in closely associated with microvessels. Conclusion: NADPH-d positive neurons scatter and their fine dendrites is closely associated with blood vessels. This provide anatomical basis for the innervation of the vessels by nitrergic nerve fibers, suggesting that NO involves in regulation of vascular tone of the brain blood vessels and cerebral circulation.
Chinese Journal of Anatomy