
空间矢量信息渐进传输研究与实现 被引量:1

Research and Realization of Space Vector Information Progressive Transmission
摘要 为解决大量空间矢量数据的传输问题,提出一种空间矢量信息渐进传输解决方法。阐述空间矢量信息渐进传输的基本思想,包括空间矢量信息的综合、选取、概括、简化,设计数据库存储模式。以广东省行政区域图渐进传输的实现,证明该方法在处理大数据量传输时能使用户无网络延时感,且减少占用的网络带宽。 In order to solve the problem of transfering a great deal of space vector data, this paper puts forward a solution of space vector information progressive transmission. It expounds the basic idea of space vector information progressive transmission which includes space vector information of integration, selection, summarization, simplification, and designs the saving mode of database. From the progressive transmission realization of Guangdong administrative map, it proves that the method can make the user have no network delay feeling, when it disposes the processing of data transmission, and reduces the occupied network bandwidth.
作者 杨素悦
机构地区 广州地理研究所
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 2012年第13期266-269,272,共5页 Computer Engineering
关键词 空间矢量信息 信息综合 多尺度表达 渐进传输 分层显示 space vector information information integration multi-scale representation progressive transmission hierarchical display
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