山西省畜牧业可持续发展 ,应改变依靠粮食饲养的精料型农区畜牧业发展道路 ,充分利用和发挥本省草地和农作物秸秆资源丰富的优势 ,以大中市场和中长期市场需求为导向 ,走以草食动物为主的节粮型的农牧区畜牧业发展途径 ,并采取有效措施 ,以促进畜牧业沿着稳定。
The devdelpment way of concentrate-type animal industry in arable area of Shanxi Province should be changed in order to take a sustained progress in animal industry. The new developmental avenue of animal industry in arable area and pastoral farming area should be adopted as a grain-saving type which takes herbivorous animals al the dominant factor,take a great advantage of rich resources of grasslands and crop straws in Shanxi Province and be ruided by the demands of markets of the large or middle scales,the long or middle period of time.Some effective measures also need to be taken to bring about a steady and sustained advance in animal industry.