
氨甲环酸对损伤后皮肤纹理的修复作用 被引量:1

Tranexamic Acid renovate skin texture in damaged skin
摘要 目的:探讨氨甲环酸对化学损伤和物理损伤后皮肤纹理的修复作用。方法:5%SLS溶液反复涂抹形成化学损伤模型,3MED照射后形成物理损伤模型。两种不同皮肤损伤模型同时应用5%氨甲环酸水溶液进行涂抹。应用皮肤扫描仪对氨甲环酸组和自我修复组的皮肤纹理改变进行14天观察。结果:氨甲环酸可有效改善化学损伤后质地参数,物理损伤中仅可改善NRJ;氨甲环酸可改善两种损伤后的皮肤表面光滑度和细纹。结论:氨甲环酸在14天内对因化学或物理损伤引起的皮肤表面纹理有显著改善作用。 Objective To determine whether or not Tranexamic Acid (TA) could renovate skin texture in damaged skin. Methods Two kinds of damaged skin models were set up and subjected to the repeated application of SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) and irradiation of UVB (ultraviolet B). TA -induced changes in skin were detected by Visioscan 98. Results After 3, 7 and 14 days of application, TA can significantly increase all the Texture Parameters in SLS application, and only increase the Energy in UVB irradiation. TA could improve the SESM and SEW in two damaged skin models. Conclusion These experiments suggest that TA can significant improve skin texture in damaged skin.
出处 《中国美容医学》 CAS 2013年第2期267-271,共5页 Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine
基金 2010年中国医师协会DQ基金
关键词 氨甲环酸 损伤皮肤 皮肤纹理 皮肤皱纹 Tranexamic Acid damaged skin skin texture skin. Lines
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