

Preparation of Pooled Platelets and Assessment Analysis of Leukocytes Unfiltered
摘要 目的制备混合浓缩血小板并过滤,评价3种血小板过滤器的过滤效果;评估分析混合12U浓缩血小板及取消过滤后混合浓缩血小板的计数情况。方法以血小板回收率为70%以上设定离心条件,使用富血小板血浆法(PRP法)制备浓缩血小板并混合过滤,计算过滤后的白细胞清除率、红细胞清除率、血小板回收率并进行比较分析。另外,对混合12U浓缩血小板且不过滤的混合浓缩血小板的血小板含量、红细胞混入量及白细胞混入量进行计数并得出均值及标准差。结果 3种过滤器的白细胞清除率、红细胞清除率、血小板回收率差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。259例改由12U浓缩血小板制备的混合浓缩血小板的计数结果与GB18469-2012《全血及成分血质量要求》中混合浓缩血小板质量要求的血小板含量符合率为95.4%,红细胞混入量符合率为71.8%,总体符合率为67.2%。结论可不必对混合浓缩血小板进行白细胞滤除,每例混合浓缩血小板宜采用12U浓缩血小板制备以达到质量要求。 Objective To prepare pooled platelets and filtration, to evaluate the efficiency of three kinds of platelet filter, and assess the count situation of the pooled platelets that mixed 12U platelets without filtration. Methods Platelets were prepared by platelet rich plasma (PRP) method and the centrifugation condition was set based on the recovery rate of platelets more than 70%, missed and filtered. The removal rates of leukocytes, red cells and the recovery rate of platelets were estimated after fihering.12U platelets was mixed with the pooled platelets without filtering and determined for the platelets count, red cells and leukocytes contamination~ Results The were significant differences showed in the leukocytes removal rate, red cells removal rate and platelets recovery rate of using three different kinds of filters.Based on the "GB18469-2012 quality requirements for whole blood and blood components" the passing rates of platelets count,red cell contamination and leukocyte contamination in 259 platelets preparations were 95.4% ,71.8% and 67~2% ,respectively. Conclusions It is not necessary to filter the pooled platelets. In order to reach the quality requirement it should use 12U platelets to prel^are one dosage of pooled platelets.
机构地区 东莞中心血站
出处 《热带医学杂志》 CAS 2013年第2期199-201,共3页 Journal of Tropical Medicine
基金 东莞市科技项目(201110515000193)
关键词 血小板回收率 白细胞清除率 红细胞清除率 混合浓缩血小板 过滤器 platelets recovery rate leukocytes removal rate red cells removal rate pooled platelets filter
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