在人体运动功能评定中 ,对骨骼肌代谢功能的评定是一个重要方面。运动过程中骨骼肌的能量消耗要靠体内连续供能补充 ,在一般 (非剧烈 )运动情况之下 ,有氧代谢是提供能量的主要形式。用反射式双波长近红外光谱技术可以无损、连续地检测肌肉中氧含量的相对值 ,这种测试技术的可行性已为核磁共振的同时测定所证实。本文总结出让受试者在功率自行车上做递增负荷实验时 ,骨骼肌中氧含量。
To evaluate the metabolism ability on muscle is very important in the field of the detection of human body movement.The energy consumption on the muscle must be supplied during the movement and the aerobic metabolism is the main way to deliver it.Using the reflecing near infrared spectroscopy technique in two vavelengths,the musclse oxygen relative change can be detected in non invasion and the availability of this technique is confirmed by the MRS method.In this paper,the muscle oxygenation.blood volume in the muscle,lactate concentration and heart rate of a subject were recorded during graded level load exercise.Typical test shows that the muscle oxygen drop for the normal subject was deeper than the athlete in the same exercise load.If the time of reaching half post exercise recovery peak is depined as half recovery time,then for the older thevalue of this parameter was longer than the younger.It mean that the muscle oxygen drop and the half recovery time may be the characteristic.parameters to assess the muscle oxidative metabolism in human body movement.Above conclusion may be useful to the rehabilitation assess.
Modern Rehabilitation
near infrared spectroscopy
muscle oxygen
non invasive detection
human body movement assess