
葡萄膜炎的免疫学研究现状与展望 被引量:8

The status and prospects of immunological research in uveitis
摘要 葡萄膜炎是临床上常见的一类致盲性眼内炎症,除少数患者由感染因素引起外,多数患者的发病与自身免疫反应有关。近年来有关葡萄膜炎的免疫学基础和临床研究取得了长足进展,已从分子和细胞水平上详细阐明了葡萄膜炎的复杂免疫学发病机制,也为其免疫学治疗奠定了理论基础。但仍有一些问题尚未解决,如机体抵御眼内炎症的免疫防御机制、感染因素引起免疫应答和自身免疫性葡萄膜炎的发生机制、葡萄膜炎发病的遗传学易感基因、人类葡萄膜炎复发和慢性化的相关因素等。对这些问题进行深入研究,将有助于人类顽固性葡萄膜炎的诊治。 Uveitis is a group of common sight-threatening intraocular inflammatory diseases. Besides of few patients caused by infectious agents, most of patients caused by the autoimmune reactions. In recent years, the basic and clinical researches in the immunology of uveitis had many advances. The complex immunologic mechanisms in uveitis were explained from the levels of cellular and molecular immunology. And the theoretical basis on the treatment of uveitis was established. But there are some unresolved questions existed in the fields of uveitis researches, such as the mechanisms of body defense system to prevent the intraocular inflammation, the pathogenesis of infection that causes the autoimmune response and the autoimmune uveoretinitis, the susceptible gene of uveitis and the related factors associated with occurrence and chronic in uveitis. The deeper studies'on these questions will be benefit to the diagnosis and treatment of human refractory uveitis.
作者 郑日忠
出处 《中华眼科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期277-280,共4页 Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology
关键词 葡萄膜炎 自身免疫 免疫调节 免疫疗法 Uveitis Autoimmunity Immunomodulation Immunotherapy
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