
“全合一”营养液发展及计算机化应用 被引量:1

All-in-one nutrient solution: Development and computerization
摘要 "全合一"营养液自提出发展至今已有40余年的历史,现已广泛应用于临床,并成为营养支持治疗的重要手段。但由于技术水平不足及人工操作误差等原因,"全合一"营养液面临着稳定性与污染等方面问题,使其临床应用面临着挑战。随着计算机技术的发展,人们将计算机应用于"全合一"营养液配制、使用过程中可大大降低药物不良反应事件的发生率,避免了人为失误导致的不良结果,为"全合一"营养液在临床上准确配制和安全使用提供帮助。 All-in-one nutrient solution, as an important means of nutrition support therapy, has been widely used clinically. However, it faces a challenge for clinical application due to its problems of instability and pollution associated with inadequate tech- niques and manual errors. Fortunately, with the development of computer technology, computers are used in the programming and ap- plication of nutritional protocols. Computerization has greatly reduced the incidence of adverse events of the solution, avoided human error-induced consequences, and contributed a lot to the accurate preparation and safe use of this nutrient solution.
作者 李杨 王新颖
出处 《医学研究生学报》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第3期326-329,共4页 Journal of Medical Postgraduates
关键词 全合一营养液 计算机化医嘱输入 自动配混机 All-in-one nutrient solution Computerized physician order entry Automated compounding device
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