本文对美国新闻传播教育专刊《新闻与大众传播教育者》(Journalism & MassCommunication Educator)近10年的148篇研究性论文从研究主题、研究方法、对不同媒介类型和不同学科方向的关注、作者特征等方面进行了内容分析,以期管窥美国新闻传播教育研究的现状,从而为世界尤其是中国新闻传播教育的研究提供有益的借鉴。研究发现,美国新闻传播研究所涉主题丰富,理念争论减少,教育制度、教学方法、教学内容等问题的研究增多;研究方法倾向于使用调查法、内容分析法等定量研究方法;新闻传播教育的核心目标不在于为某个类型的媒体培养合格的人才,而在于培养学生掌握其所在专业要求必须掌握的基本能力;作者呈国际化、多学科化、多层次化的特点,但仍存在一定的学术垄断现象。
This article makes a content analysis of 148 research papers of Journalism & Mass Communication Educator (2003-2012). The main aim of this paper is to find the state of American journalism and mass communication education research. The paper comes to the conclusion that the research subjects are very varied, and the discussions of education ideas are being reduced, the subjects of education institution/ teaching method/teaching content have increased; the American researchers are apt to use the quantitative methods; the main aim of journalism and mass communication education lies in making students to be masters in certain field; the researchers are international/multidisciplinary, but there are some monopolizations in this education research field.
Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication