
微博环境下虚拟学习社区研究 被引量:4

The Virtual Learning Community Research in the Microblogging Environment
摘要 随着Web2.0时代的到来,社会性软件成为网络非正式学习的有效支持,虚拟学习社区成为人们非正式学习的重要场所之一。微博,作为Web2.0时代社会性软件的代表之一,其在网络教育中的应用现状值得我们探讨。文章运用社会网络分析法,对大学生为主要成员的高校微博群展开研究,通过量化微群成员间的交互关系,分析大学生在微博群这一虚拟学习社区中的人际网络的结构和特征,考察成员间的交互情况。得到如下研究结论:(1)虚拟学习社区整体结构松散,凝聚力差;(2)社区整体交互模式呈现网状结构;(3)虚拟学习社区中存在意见领袖。 With the arrival of the era of Web 2. 0, social network software supperts informal effective learning, virtual learning community becomes one of important place of informal learning. Microblogging, as one of the representatives of the Web 2.0 era of social software,the application of the status quo in online education is worthy of our consideration. In this paper, the social network analysis method is used, to analyse the university micro - group of students as the main members. By quantifying the interactions between the micro - group members, we analyze the network structure and characteristics and study the interaction between members of college students in the virtual learning community micro - group. The following conclusions are ebtained : ( 1 ) the whole structure of virtual learning community is loose of, poor cohesion; (2) the whole community interaction model takes mesh structure; (3) opinion leaders exist in virtual learning community.
作者 戴体娇 王帆
出处 《成人教育》 2013年第4期15-19,共5页 Adult Education
基金 全国教育科学"十二五"规划 国家青年课题<"微博"对大学生交往行为影响及其教育策略研究>立项资助 编号为CCA110108
关键词 微博 虚拟学习社区 微博群 社会网络分析 microblogging virtual learning community microgroup social network analysis
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