
我国二氧化碳排放区域差异研究——基于IPCC碳排放核算方法 被引量:7

An Research on Regional Differences of China's Carbon Dioxide Emissions——Based on The IPCC carbon emissions accounting method
摘要 本文利用我国能源相关统计数据,对我国各省区二氧化碳排放总量、排放强度和人均排放量进行则算,并将其划分为二氧化碳低排放、中排放、高排放区域。通过分析发现,我国各省区二氧化碳排放具有显著差异,总体表现为东部发达省区总排放量大、排放强度低、人均排放量高,而西部地区则呈现出相反的特征。文章在分析我国二氧化碳排放区域差异的基础上,进一步讨论了产业结构、GDP、人口、能源消费结构、对外开放度以及能源资源禀赋和地理位置六个方面对典型地区二氧化碳排放量的影响,并做出对比分析,提出我国减排工作中应重视省区之间的差异,将各省区功能定位、减排成本、资源环境等方面的指标纳入减排评价指标,建立技术与资金合作的联合减排机制等政策建议。 This article calculates the total carbon dioxide emis- sions, the carbon dioxide emission intensity and the carbon diox- ide per capita emissions of China's 30 provinces on the basis of the datasets of Chinese energy consumption and IPCC reference approach for carbon dioxide assaessment.The 30 provinces can be divided into 3 regions:the low-emission regions,the middle-emis- sion regions, and the high-emission regions. There are signifi- cant differences in carbon dioxide emissions in different provinces. There are more in total emission, lower in emission intensitu, and higher in emission per capita in the eastern developed regions of China than in the western less-developed regions, Based on the analysis of the regional differences of China's carbon dioxide e- missions, The article discusses the typical regional carbon dioxide emissions from six impact factors: the industrial structure, GDP, population, energy consumption structure, the degree of opening to the outside world, as well as energy resource endowments and geographical location. Through comparative analysis, this paper presents some of the pelicy recommendations. The abatement work should pay attention to the differences between provinces; Provinces functional orientation, abatement costs, resources and en- vironment indicators should be included in the emission reduction evaluation. A joint technical and financial cooperation emission reduction mechanism Should be established.
作者 李霞
出处 《国土与自然资源研究》 2013年第2期63-65,共3页 Territory & Natural Resources Study
关键词 二氧化碳排放 区域差异 影响因素 节能减排 carbon dioxide emissions regions difference influence factors energy saving and emission reduction
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