

Beyond the Miracles: An Interpretation of Gregory the Great's Life of Saint Benedict
摘要 教宗大格里高利的《对话录》因为充斥神迹而饱受诟病。本文通过解读其第二卷《圣本尼狄克传》,并结合作者其他著述,试图说明格里高利相信神迹,但认为神迹只是牧灵布道的辅助。在这部圣徒传神迹故事的背后,是教宗对如何做一名基督徒的思考。 Pope Gregory the Great's Dialogues has long been criticized for the flowing miracle stories. This paper reinterprets its second book, Life of St. Benedict, and attempts to argue, in light of other works of his, that Gregory does believe in miracles, yet to him the importance of the miracle only lies in pastoral function. The hagiography of St. Benedict, in spite of all its miraculous conventions, is the pope's answer to the question: What is it to be a Christian?
作者 包倩怡
机构地区 北京大学历史系
出处 《国外文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期133-142,共10页 Foreign Literatures
关键词 大格里高利 神迹 灵魂的导师 《圣本尼狄克传》 Gregory the Great, miracles, doctores animarum, Life of St. Benedict
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  • 1Feliee Lifshitz, " Beyond Positivism and Genre.' Hagiography' Texts as Historical Narrative", Viator, 25 (1994), 95 -113 页.
  • 2Medieval Hagiography. An Introduction, ed. Thomas Head (New York and London. Garland Publishing, Inc. , 2000), xiv 页.
  • 3Thomas J. Heffernan, Sacred Biography. Saints and Their Biographers in the Middle Ages (New York. Oxford University Press, 1988) , 13 -14 页.
  • 4Edward Gibbon, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, ed. J. B. Bury (London. Methuen & Co. , 1901), Vol. 4, p. 66, Vol. 5, p. 36.
  • 5S. C. Aston, " The Saint in Medieval Literature. The Presidential Address of the Modern Humanities Research Association", Modern Language Review, 65 (1970), pp. xxv-xlii.
  • 6Emma Campbell, Medieval Saints' Lives . The Gift, Kinship and Community in Old French Hagiography (Cambridge. D. S. Brewer, 2008), pp. 1 -19.
  • 7Guy Halsall, "The Sources and Their Interpretation", The New Cambridge Medieval History, Vol. I, c. 500 -700, ed. Paul Fouracre ( Cambridge. Cambridge University Press, 2005 ), pp. 56 -90.
  • 8John Van Engen, "The Christian Middle Ages as a Historiographical Problem ", The American Historical Review, Vol. 91.3 (Jun. , 1986), pp. 519-552.
  • 9Francesca Sara D'Imperio, Gregorio Magno. Bibliografia per glianni 1980- 2003 (Firenze. Sismel, Edizione Galluzzo, 2005).
  • 10Michaela Zelzer, " Gregory's Life of Benedict. Its Historico-Literary Field", Cistercian Studies Quarterly, 43 . 3 (2008), pp. 327-337.








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