目的 :探讨妊娠妇女TORCH感染的母婴间传播及其围产儿不良结局。方法 :收集 886例孕妇的静脉血及其新生儿脐血 ,用ELISA法检测血清TORCH IgM抗体和HBsAg及梅毒血清抗体。结果 :孕妇血TOX(弓形体 )、RV(风疹病毒 )、CMV(巨细胞病毒 )、HSV 2 (单纯疱疹病毒 2型 )IgM抗体和HBsAg ,梅毒血清抗体的阳性率分别为 0 .2 %、0 .3 %、1.7%、1.0 %、0 .7%、0 .1%。 2 9例孕妇TORCH IgM抗体阳性者中 ,新生儿脐血阳性者 6例 ,母婴间传播率为 2 0 .7% ;围产儿异常者 10例 ,其发生率为 34.5 %。结论 :孕妇TORCH感染可引起胎儿宫内感染 ,而导致围产儿异常的不良结局。
Objective:To investigate the maternal?fetal transmission and perinatal complication during pregnant women TORCH infection.Methods;TORCH?IgM,HBsAg and VDRL( non?treponema antigen)in serum of 886 pregnant women and neonatal cord blood were detected by ELISA.Results:Tox?IgM,RV?IgM,CMV?IgM,HSV2?IgM,HBsAg,VDRL in serum of pregnant women was positive in 0.2%,0.3%,1.7%,1.0%,0.7%,0.1%,respectively.TORCH?IgM in 6 neonatal cord blood of 29 pregnant women TORCH?IgM positive was positive,the maternal?fetal transmission rate was 20.7%,while 10 perinatal complication of 29 pregnant women TORCH?IgM positive was positive,morbidity of perinatal complication was 34.5%.Conclusion:Pregnant women TORCH infection can be cause babies intrauterine infection not only through the placenta transmission,but also lead to perinatal complication.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity