
面向知识挖掘的情境感知应用研究综述 被引量:6

Literature Review of Context-aware Application Oriented to Knowledge Mining
摘要 近年来,情境感知应用已经成为商务智能领域最为活跃的研究领域之一。通过对最近几年情境感知应用的研究进展进行综述,提出一个4层分类框架,并对其涉及到的概念与理论、情境感知计算以及应用实践等进行比较和分析,概括它们的特点和在实际应用中的效果。最后,针对应用现状对有待深入研究的重点和难点问题进行讨论并提出相关建议。 Context-aware application has been one of the hottest research fields in the field of business intelligence recently. By reviewing the research progress of context-aware application in recent years, this paper proposes a four-layer classification framework. Then it analyzes and compares the concept and theory, context-aware computing and typical application which are related to context-aware application, and summarizes their characteristics and effects in the practical use. Finally, some discussions and suggestions are given on the emphasis and difficulty of application status which need further researches.
作者 张李义 殷聪
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期140-146,共7页 Library and Information Service
关键词 情境感知 情境建模 偏好提取 情境感知应用 用户界面 知识挖掘 context-aware context modeling preference elicitation context-aware application user interfaceknowledge
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