人工参礁在中国刺参(Apostichopus japonicus(Selenka))养殖业中被广泛应用,本文调查了2008年春、秋季刺参池塘中一种塑料人工礁表面的生物群落结构。采用沉积物捕捉器的方法调查了刺参池塘人工礁表面碳、氮、磷的循环及参礁的生态特征。结果表明,春季礁体底栖动物生物量及生物多样性高于秋季,底栖动物均集中在礁体外表面的缝隙内,4月礁体表面颗粒物,底泥沉积物总有机碳(TOC)平均含量分别为41.9 mg/g和2.45 mg/g;总氮(TN)平均含量分别为4.1 mg/g和0.2 mg/g。10月礁体表面颗粒物,底泥沉积物TOC含量分别为27.5 mg/g和3.1 mg/g;TN平均含量分别3.1 mg/g和0.3 mg/g。4月TOC,TN沉积量分别达到711.2 mg/(m2.d)和70.7 mg/(m2.d);10月TOC,TN沉积量分别为804.9mg/(m2.d)和87.3 mg/(m2.d)。4月人工礁表面叶绿素/脱镁叶绿素(Chl a/Pheophytin)>1,表明礁体活体藻类较多。10月人工礁表面Chl a/Pheophytin<1表明礁体表面降解颗粒物质较多。人工礁为刺参提供遮蔽场所,其表面生物膜为刺参提供优质食物,同时可增加池塘底面积,增强养殖系统稳定性。
Artificial substrates (AR) are widely used in Chinese sea cucumber culture ponds. The ecological characteristics of substrate in sea cucumber pond were investigated in the present study. The results showed that the biomass of zoo benthos on AR in spring was higher than that in autumn. The AR in sea cucumber culture pond provided shelters for the sea cucumber, moreover, the bio-film on the surface of AR formed by organic debris aggre- gates and benthic diatoms supply food source for the sea cucumber. In April, average content of TOC in particles collected from AR surface was 41.9 mg/g and it was 2.45 mg/g in sediment. Mean content of TN in particles of AR surface was 4.1 mg/g and it was 0.2 mg/g in sediment. In October, average TOC content in particles from AR and sediment was 27.5 mg/g and 3.1 mg/g, respectively. Mean TN content in particles from AR and sediment was 3.1 mg/g and 0.3 mg/g, respectively. TOC and TN sedimentation rates in April were 711.2 mg/(m^2 . d) and 70.7 mg/(m^2.d), while they were 804.9 mg/(m^2 .d) and 87.3 mg/(m^2 .d) in October, respectively. The Ch1 a/Pheo ratio of particles from AR was higher than 1 in April and it was lower than 1 in October. The AR in sea cucumber culture pond supply shelters for sea cucumber, meanwhile, it increase pond bottom area and enhance stability of culture system. In addition, the bio-film on reef was high quality food source for sea cucumber.
Marine Sciences