
基于身份的抗选择性公开攻击广播加密方案 被引量:1

Identity based broadcast encryption scheme against selective opening attack
摘要 孙瑾等提出了一种抗选择性公开攻击的身份型广播加密方案(孙瑾,胡予濮.抗选择性公开攻击的身份型广播加密方案.电子与信息学报,2011,33(12):2929-2934),并称该方案具有在标准模型下可证全安全,具有短的尺寸固定的密文和密钥,无须随机标签的特点。然而,研究发现该方案无法正确运行的,进而提出了一种改进方案,并在标准模型给出了改进方案的安全性证明。 Recently Sun Jin,et al.proposed an dentity-based broadcast encryption scheme against selective opening attack,(SUN JIN,HU YU-PU.Identity-based broadcast encryption scheme against selective opening attack.Journal of Electronics and Information Technology,2011,33(12): 2929-2934) and it claimed that the scheme can fight against Selective-Opening Attack(SOA) and has constant-size key and ciphertext in the standard model without random tags.However,this paper proved that their proposal cannot work at all.Furthermore,the authors improved their scheme to be a correct one,and then proved its security in the standard model.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期1047-1050,共4页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61103230 61103231 61272492 61202492) 陕西省自然科学基金资助项目(2010JM8034)
关键词 身份型广播加密 密码分析 全安全 identity-based broadcast encryption cryptanalysis full security
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