基于数字高程模型(DEM)的地理可照时数计算模型复杂、耗时长,再加上我国地域广阔,致使研究中国地理可照时数的时空分布时难以在区域面积和分辨率上同时兼顾。虽然有人提出了全国范围内高分辨率地理可照时数的计算方法,但并没有说明计算平台和技术方法。利用基于DEM的地理可照时数模型并对其进行地球曲率的修正,基于VS2008平台,应用ArcGIS Engine组件技术,开发出了地理可照时数自动化计算系统。该系统可用于不同区域尺度、不同分辨率的地理可照时数的计算。用户只需输入研究区域的DEM数据和需要计算的日期,即可计算出该区域在该日期的地理可照时数栅格数据。
Because the model for computing geographic sunshine hours based on Digital Elevation Model(DEM) is complex and time-consuming,it is difficult to consider both high resolution and vast area at the same time when a study on geographic sunshine hours is conducted on a national scale in China.Some scholars proposed some methods for calculating high-resolution geographic sunshine hours across nationwide,however they didn't specify the computing platform and calculation methods.In this study,authors developed a set of automation system for calculating geographic sunshine hours based on existing models and DEM in which the part of curvature of the earth was corrected.This system was developed based on VS2008 platform and ArcGIS Engine component technology.The system could be used to calculate geographic sunshine hours at multi-spatial-scales and multi-resolutions.The raster data of geographic sunshine hours were generated as long as the user input DEM data with geographic coordinates of the region and the specific date.
journal of Computer Applications