
月尘静电浮扬现象的理论模拟 被引量:2

Theoretical Simulation of Electrostatic Levitation of Lunar Dust
摘要 对月球上的月尘静电浮扬现象进行了理论研究,对比分析了影响月球表面静电浮扬强弱的主要因素.研究过程分为两个步骤:首先采用一维PIC(particle in cell)模拟计算了月尘和月球表面的充电过程,然后基于这一结果引进试验粒子,对月尘的静电浮扬现象进行了分析研究.结果表明月尘的静电浮扬主要受两个因素的影响:太阳角和月尘颗粒的大小.月尘静电浮扬现象在日出日落时分更容易发生,即太阳角越小越容易引起剧烈的月尘浮扬现象;并且月尘粒径越小,其浮扬高度越高. The electrostatic levitation of lunar dust particles in the lunar terminator region was simulated. The main factors influencing levitation were analyzed. The reseach included two steps: PIC (particle-in-cell) simulations were carried out by using real ion to electron mass ratio to obtain plasma sheath, lunar surface charging, on the basis of which test particle simulations were adopted to simulate the levitation of dust particles from lunar surface. Results show that the solar elevation angle and dust grain radius are main controlling parameters for the levitation of lunar dust particles. The electrostatic levitation of lunar dust occurs during sunrise and sunset when the sun angle is small. The smaller the dust grain is, the higher it elevates due to electrostatic levitation on the same condition.
出处 《应用数学和力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期336-344,共9页 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
关键词 静电浮扬 月尘 质点网格法 月尘充电模型 electrostatic levitation lunar dust particle-in-cell(PIC) lunar dust charging
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