
基于EMA-MFA核算的县域绿色GDP及空间分异--以河南省为例 被引量:18

County Green GDP Accounting Based on EMA-MFA Method and Its Spatial Differentiation: A Case of Henan Province
摘要 自然资本的定量货币化及空间属性是区域绿色经济发展研究的基本问题。针对绿色GDP核算中资源环境成本市场定价的缺陷,采用复合生态系统分析框架,整合能值分析(EMA)与物质流分析(MFA)方法,用能值-货币价值对资源损耗与环境退化定价,进而测度绿色国民财富的生态经济价值。以资源型大省河南为研究区域,估算2009年108个县域单元的各项能值指标及绿色经济发展水平,分析复合生态系统能值指标的空间特征,比较绿色GDP与传统GDP的差异,在此基础上划分县域绿色经济发展的地域类型。结果表明:基于EMA-MFA的绿色GDP核算是一种以生态为中心的强调可持续性的评价方法,旨在从复合生态系统的生态过程视角说明资源环境对社会经济发展的重要作用;河南省县域复合生态系统各能值指标在空间上集中分布且具有一定区域差异,基于EMA-MFA核算的绿色GDP与传统GDP相比核算结果差异大,绿色经济与传统经济发展水平空间分异变化明显;县域绿色GDP根据本地自然生态支撑能力、资源环境损耗状况可分为5类地域类型;不同地域类型的县域应根据现状水平与优势特征,因地制宜地加快绿色经济发展。 Green gross domestic product (green GDP) reveals the relationship between environmental degradation, resource depletion and the economic development. A key issue on the research is to price natural resource and environment: There are various defects in market pricing. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to show a calculative form of green GDP accounting by combi- ning emergy analysis with material flow analysis based on complex ecosystem theory. Through a study of the ecological flows, and integrating the method of material flow analysis, natural and socioeconomic outputs are translated into solar emjoules (sej) units and calculated in terms of emergy dollar by transformity. However, from a policy point of view, it is essential to know how the conflicts between economic activities and resource and environment are spatially concentrated or disseminated. To demonstrate the mechanics of green GDP accounting and its spatial diversity, complex ecosystems in Henan Province at county level was taken as an example. We estimated emergy indices and green economic development level of 108 counties in 2009, focused on the comparisons of differences between green GDP and traditional GDP and analyzed spatial differentiation for emergy indices of complex ecosystems. On that basis, green economic development of counties in Henan Province was divided into five regional types. The results showed that: 1 ) Green GDP accounting based on EMA - MFA is an eco-centered assessment method to empha- sis sustainability, which is designed to explain the important role played by natural resources and environment on socio-economic development from the perspective of ecological processes of the complex ecosystem. 2) The spatial distribution of emergy indices all expressed a high concentrative level with some differences among counties in Henan. The results of green GDP based on EMA - MFA accounting were quite different from the results of traditional GDP. And the change of spatial differentiation between green economic development level and traditional economic development level was obvious. 3) Green GDP in Henan Province at county level can be classified into five regional types. Each type of counties should develop green economy according to local current situation and regional advantage. 4) To objectively assess the potential and status of green economic growth, both green GDP and traditional GDP must be taken into account, because green GDP accounting based on the emergy and material flow analysis to some extent may weaken the effect of economic growth. In addition, regional transformity for various ecological flows is one of the biggest challenges in further studying. It is necessary to gradually explore the interactive mechanisms among various subsystems of complex ecosystems, the ecosystem services value effectively embedded emergy analysis and environmental governance cost accounting.
出处 《自然资源学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期504-516,共13页 Journal of Natural Resources
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41171438) 国家重大科学研究计划资助(2012CB955800) 国家自科基金项目(41201602)
关键词 复合生态系统 绿色GDP 能值-物质流分析 空间分异 complex ecosystem green GDP emergy-material flow analysis spatial differentiation
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